Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hockey Finals

On Wednesday the Fordell Sticks Hockey team played St Georges at 3:30. St Georges scored a goal but it was disallowed, that came as fantastic news for us. We missed a few goals but in the second half we finally scored. In the end we won 1-0. We`ve played St Georges before, the first time we lost3-2, the second  time we won 1-0  and this time we won 1-0 and all together we came 5th in the hockey season.

My Speech

Have you ever been past the Kohi Rd ?, just out of Waverly. Turned down that road and on to the Moeawatea Valley road. Well I`ve been going there since I was four
 . My place is the Moe, land that my great Uncle Ernie farmed for 60 years.
 Uncle Ernie was one of five boys, Ernie, Fred, Owen, Ray and Mervyn. Ernie's name is Ernest Frank Matthews. He was named after his two uncles Ernest and  Frank who fought in WW1. His parents were Les and Hilda Matthews. Uncle Ernie never married and he lived in the Moe all by himself, he was known as a hermit.
It was only about 2 years ago when he was about 84 that he came to live with us. Not long after that he died aged 85. He was buried in the Moe where he had planted Kauri tree ten years before.
 On the way into the Moe we always see at least 10 goats but sometimes we see more than 50. You could even see a deer if your lucky enough. Every time we go in we always go on a walk. last time all the kids walked along the ridge track. We saw a baby goat and we caught it.
 My Dad takes me hunting. I got my first goat in the Moe and I`ve gotten many more since then. Sometimes Mum and I take the horses. We ride them around, down the tracks and when they get sweaty we take them to the creek and wash them. I love being in the Moe. We stay in a house without power but we use head torches. In Maori Moeawatea means sleep in the daytime, which is what some of the adults do.
 To Me

Uncle Ernie is a legend farming in a remote place and leaving us a legacy that my family and friends enjoy being a part of. The Moeawatea is My Place. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Interesting fact of the week

Did you know that the oldest Elephant is Lin Wang and he lived till he was 86 years old. Elephants usually live till they are about 60.He died on the 26th of February 2003. Lin Wang retired to the Zoo in 1954.

The Art Gallery

Yesterday our class went for a trip to the Art Gallery. The bus took us from school into town and to the Art Gallery. When we got there Andrea came and met us. She took us through to the kids room and she showed us some clay work. After that Andrea showed us how to make an alien face out of clay then we had to make our own. My Alien had ears like a fox, an ice-cream shaped face, one eye socket and the other eye coming out, a square nose and a mouth. I enjoyed our time at the Art Gallery.

Aranui Cross Country

On Tuesday 17th some really fast runners from Fordell school went to Aranui for cross country. Everyone did really well. All the ten year old girls got in the top 25 but unfortunately Rebekah fell over and didn`t finish the race. In the ten year old boys we didn`t do as good, Ryan came 76th and Adam 113th. Everybody tried their hardest. I had a great race and came 22nd!

Monday, September 16, 2013


On Wednesday night some really brainy maths people went to WIS for Mathex, a maths competition. You have half an hour or less to complete 20 maths questions. In our team there was Georgina, Renee, Bridgitte and I. Rebekah, Ryan, John and Lauren were in the other YR 6 team. We got stuck on question 3. We passed on 2 questions and finished with 30 seconds left. In the end we came second equal with St Georges.   

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fordell School Cross Country

On Tuesday, 3rd September, Fordell School had our Cross Country. We were all cheering for the little Kids, waiting for when we were going to be called. After awhile the YR 6 were called. We started warming up then we started our race. On your marks. Get set. Go. We were off. Run, run, run, breath breath, breath. I`ve done the first small lap and the second small lap. Now for the big long one and then the last small one. Finally we were at the end. At prize giving I came 3rd out of the YR6 girls.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Hummingbird

The amazing Hummingbird. Today you are about to find out three awesome facts about the hummingbird.
Where does the hummingbird live?
They live in America but mostly south America. Their range is as far north as Alaska and as far south as Chile.
What do Hummingbirds eat?
They eat bugs and nectar from some flowers. They drink sugar water.
What different types of Hummingbirds are there?
There are over three hundred  different types of hummingbirds. The bee hummingbird is 5 cm long.  The most common types or species of hummingbirds include the Allen`s, Anna`s, Berylline, Black-chinned, Blue-throted, Broad-Billed, Broad-Tailed  Buff-Bellied, Costa`s, Lucifer, Magnificent, Ruby-throated, Rufous, Violet-Crowned, White-Eared and the Xantus . So do you think the Hummingbird is an amazing bird?

The world`s smallest tree

Can you believe that this is the world`s smallest tree ?  Well it certainly is the smallest tree. This small little tree can grow to about 60 to 80 inches tall and is called a Bonsai. Bosai trees can grow in many different shapes and sizes.