Tuesday, August 13, 2013

1000 Paper Cranes

Last week on Hiroshima Day, 6th August Ms Whitwell told us about the Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima in Japan. She also told us the story of Sadako. This is how the story goes. Sadako was three when the Atomic bomb was dropped, her family survived the Atomic bomb but nine years later when she was twelve she got leukemia. Sadako heard of the story about 1000 paper cranes and if you made 1000 cranes you can get one wish. She tried to make 1000 paper cranes. All her friends helped her but she died before she made 1000 cranes. Ms Whitwell taught us how to make a paper crane. Last Thursday I went down south to Ranfurly to see my Grandad, who`s going to die soon. My cousin and I made 100 paper cranes for our Grandad.


  1. Wow Ella. That is really nice that you made paper cranes for your grandad. That was hard making paper cranes in class but I did complete it. John

  2. Wow Ella! I like it how that you and your cousin made 100 paper cranes for your granddad. I hope you had a good time down south and I feel very sorry for your granddad.
    When we made paper cranes in class I thought it was very hard so I am impressed that you and your cousin made 100 of them!
    By Libby
    P.S I like your blog!
