Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day Dreams

For writing this week we wrote a Poem about Day Dreams.
Ms. Whitwell thinks I`m Reading
But No...
I`m eating yummy food like chocolate and ice-cream,
So much food whizzing round me, I`ll have this and that.
"Ella start Reading."
Ms. Whitwell thinks I`m Concentrating
But really I`m...
 Riding round a ring at the Parakino Horse sports,
 "3rd prize overall goes to Carissa Rees"...
"Second prize goes to"...
"Ella concentrate please. "
Ms. Whitwell thinks I`m Singing...
But I`m Shopping,
going from shop to shop.
That book looks nice, that top is really pretty.
I start to wonder what  mum is  getting me for my birthday...
"Ella you're not singing,"
Interrupts again.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


During Art we have been doing Scraffitio. You have to think of a picture scene and then get a piece  of paper and colour it in with strips of different colours. After you need to paint it completely black and leave it to dry. Once it has dried you scratch of your picture of. Then you have a Scraffitio  picture.