Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day Dreams

For writing this week we wrote a Poem about Day Dreams.
Ms. Whitwell thinks I`m Reading
But No...
I`m eating yummy food like chocolate and ice-cream,
So much food whizzing round me, I`ll have this and that.
"Ella start Reading."
Ms. Whitwell thinks I`m Concentrating
But really I`m...
 Riding round a ring at the Parakino Horse sports,
 "3rd prize overall goes to Carissa Rees"...
"Second prize goes to"...
"Ella concentrate please. "
Ms. Whitwell thinks I`m Singing...
But I`m Shopping,
going from shop to shop.
That book looks nice, that top is really pretty.
I start to wonder what  mum is  getting me for my birthday...
"Ella you're not singing,"
Interrupts again.

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